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  Red Hen Press is an independent, nonprofit press that publishes about twenty books of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry every year. We’re looking for novels, memoir, creative nonfiction, hybrid works, and story, essay, and poetry collections of exceptional literary merit that demonstrate a high level of mastery.

  Red Hen publications are diverse in style and subject, but tend to have in common a certain wildness. Please familiarize yourself with our catalog before submitting. Representative fiction writers include Aimee Liu, Martha Cooley, Donna Hemans, Judy Grahn, Yuvi Zalkow, and Andrew Lam. Representative poets include Chris Abani, Katharine Coles, Camille Dungy, Eloise Klein Healy, Brynn Saito, Peggy Shumaker, Doug Manuel, and Francesca Bell.

  With your submission, be sure to include:

  1. A cover letter that includes the author's name, contact information, and a brief synopsis of the work. For award submissions, this should be the only information included in your Cover Letter. For General Submissions, please include the above information and describe the author's background, list any publication credits if applicable, and explain why the work is a fit for Red Hen Press.
  2. The work itself. For General Submissions, writers may submit either the full manuscript or a sample of between 20 and 30 pages. Please keep in mind that full manuscripts take longer to review. All manuscripts should include page numbers on every page.

  Given the high volume of submissions we receive, please expect a response time of three to twelve months. We appreciate your patience. Phone calls, emails, and letters will not speed up the process, and are strongly discouraged.

Ends on

Founded in 2020 in partnership with Red Hen Press and the Peauxdunque Writers Alliance, the Ann Petry Award seeks to publish prose literature by Black authors.

The Ann Petry Award is for a work of previously unpublished prose (including self-published works), either a novel or a collection of short stories or novellas, with a minimum of 150 pages, by a Black writer.

The awarded manuscript is selected through an annual submission process.

The Ann Petry Award will consist of $3000 and publication of the awarded manuscript by Red Hen Press.

Please use double-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman font. Title only on the cover sheet, with no other identifying information on the manuscript itself. The entry should be a minimum of 150 pages.

Eligibility Guidelines:

The Ann Petry Award is open to all Black writers, with the following exceptions:
A) Authors who have had a full-length work published by Red Hen Press, or a full-length work currently under consideration by Red Hen Press;
B) Current employees, interns, or contractors of Red Hen Press;
C) Relatives of employees or members of the Red Hen Press executive board of directors

Procedures and Ethical Considerations

To be certain that every manuscript finalist receives the fairest evaluation, all manuscripts shall be submitted to the judges without any identifying material. Bios, acknowledgments, and other identifying material shall be removed from judged manuscripts until the conclusion of the competition.

Please remove all names, bios, acknowledgments, and other identifying material from the submitted manuscript, and include only your name, contact information, and a short biographical statement in the cover letter field of Submittable.  

The Ann Petry Award of Red Hen Press and the Peauxdunque Writers Alliance is committed to maintaining the utmost integrity of our awards. Judges shall recuse themselves from considering any manuscript where they recognize the work. In the event of recusal, a manuscript score previously assigned by the managing editor of the press will be substituted.

Entries will be accepted via Submittable only


With your submission, be sure to include:

  1. A cover letter that briefly describes the work and the author’s background, lists any publication credits if applicable, and explains why the work is a fit for Red Hen Press.

  1. A brief synopsis of the work (“this happens, then this happens…”), no more than two pages in length.

  1. The work itself. Writers may submit either the full manuscript or a sample of between 20 and 30 pages. Please keep in mind that full manuscripts take longer to review. All manuscripts should include page numbers on every page.

Please include all parts of your submission in one single PDF.

Given the high volume of submissions we receive, please expect a response time of three to twelve months. We appreciate your patience. Phone calls, emails, and letters will not speed up the process, and are strongly discouraged.

Red Hen Press